We're in it for the long haul....IN THE BEGINNING.
Like all great things, Trainrider was a business that was born over a pint in the pub. You see, myself and Phil were working as freelancers at the time, and it was in one of our regular liquid-based meet-ups that we were lamenting to one another about the toils of being independent design and marketing freelancers. Anyone whose been there will know exactly how that conversation went!
So here we both were, Phil with 30 years plus design genius to his name, and myself a “marketing guru” (God, how I hate that term) with a decade under my belt, knowing that we had the skills that could offer businesses real value, but the simple fact is, the whole process of working solo (and the inevitable fore-mentioned toils this brings) was dragging us both down.
As the beer flowed, it became more and more obvious that pooling our design and marketing talents together under a collective brand made complete and utter sense. We had already collaborated on a few projects and found our working styles fitted like a glove and we’d gotten fantastic results. Our work ethic and customer skills were sang from the same hymm sheet too. So what if we joined forces and set-up the best agency in the world? How about we call it “Trainrider?”
We were recommended to Trainrider by a friend as we felt our brand and website needed a bit of a re-jig. When I spoke to Phil and Steve, they provided more than just new branding and a website – they really opened our eyes to the opportunities available and we would have no hesitation in recommending Trainrider to anyone.
With so many Design and Marketing Agencies out there, what makes us so special?CREATING THE SORT OF DESIGN AND MARKETING AGENCY WE’D LOVE TO WORK WITH.
When you think about it, setting up a new business where there are 1000’s of well established direct competitors already in place seems a rather strange decision to take. So we had to be pretty sure we were able to offer something different to all these other companies.
Every business will say it is different. It has to. And being honest, coming up with ways in which we could be different initially bordered from the sublime to the ridiculous. Ultimately though, once we sat down and thought about it, it was really quite easy to come up with how we were different.
We simply thought about what sort of company would we want to work for and made it happen.
There’s companies out there who will do web, or do print, or do CGI, or do Email Marketing, but there aren’t many that will do all of them together. We can.
The business world is often well outside the 9-5 remit, we realise we need to be too – which is why all our staff are contactable 24/7.
When it comes to paying for our services, we’ll do the work and then issue a monthly invoice at the end of the month based on our the work carried out at our hourly rates. You will be able to see clearly the work we have done, the time it has taken and the respective cost.
Our services cover pretty much every aspect you would expect from a Design and Marketing Agency and then some.